Week 21 - Friday (1/17)

 Happy Week 21!

Today, the students played dodge ball with the other English classes. 

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for a fantastic semester. Your students truly put in a lot of effort, and I am grateful for their hard work. I also appreciate your understanding and flexibility as I adjusted to this role—it made a significant difference. As we move into the new semester, I hope I can continue to count on your understanding and support.

I look forward to further collaboration in the upcoming semester. Have a restful and enjoyable winter vacation! As always, if you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.



  1. Sensay Homework
  2. Winter Break Homework: Click Here


  • Emailfisher@hmps.tp.edu.tw
  • Line(Monday - Friday 7:50 – 18:00)
    • G5 A2 Line Group (QR code to the right)
    • 113我愛你久久 Line Group
    • 五孝 Line Group
    • 🌈新民65屆  好仁家🏠 Line Group


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