Week 18 - Tuesday (12/24)

 Happy Week 18!

Today, we went over our Week 18 Vocabulary #16-30. Please make sure you are checking your student's communication book.

Please see below for resources and homework. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!



  1. Week 18 Vocabulary #16-30
  2. English Definition x 1
  3. Pick 5 vocabulary words and write 5 sentences
  4. Work on your Oral Exam Summaries
  5. Write Draft 2 Graphic Organizer -- IF NOT HANDED IN TO TEACHER FISHER


  • Emailfisher@hmps.tp.edu.tw
  • Line(Monday - Friday 7:50 – 18:00)
    • G5 A2 Line Group (QR code to the right)
    • 113我愛你久久 Line Group
    • 五孝 Line Group
    • 🌈新民65屆  好仁家🏠 Line Group

Communication Book Definitions (p. 65)


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